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who i am?

Learn how colors are used in marketing.

"Each color, one emotion."

Have you seen the movie Inside Out?

Every memory, thought, feeling, attitude, and action has a different color. Riley is eleven years old and always sees the positive side of everything around her. Inside her mind live extraordinary particles of energy called Emotions: Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust, and Anger help her enjoy every moment of her life to the fullest.

One day, changes come suddenly, and although Joy tried to make moving to a new city a great experience, Sadness did everything possible to complicate things. Neither of them understood the role of the other, and they only achieved it through the most incredible adventure of their lives; which, although it turned Riley’s life upside down, also helped her become a unique teenager. All emotions shape our personality and each one is related to a color: Red – anger / Yellow – happiness / Blue – sadness / Orange – surprise / Purple – fear / Green – disgust.

What is the reason for your occasional outbursts of anger?

Managing your emotions will allow you to have a more successful life.

It’s important to remember that anger is a completely natural and normal emotion. However, sometimes it can be difficult to manage, affecting our ability to make correct decisions that lead us to achieve our values and goals. Therefore, it’s important to confront anger effectively.

Anger can have different causes, such as frustration, fear or feeling overwhelmed, but understanding where it comes from can help us avoid intensifying it. By expressing our thoughts and emotions calmly and respectfully, instead of acting impulsively or aggressively, we can improve our relationships and communication with others.

Some helpful advice you can apply includes:

1. Think before speaking.
2. Express your discomfort.
3. Exercise regularly.
4. Don’t hold grudges.

“If you’re a teenager, there are several changes you may regularly experience. One of the most significant changes occurs within your emotions. It can be challenging and frustrating to try to figure out the best way to express your emotions in a healthy and productive manner.

You may feel like you’re experiencing confusion, anxiety, and depression and may not know how to cope with these feelings. The good news is that there are ways to help you channel your emotions, and it all starts with recognizing and accepting how you feel.

Seek support from loved ones, friends, or professionals to develop healthy habits for managing your emotions and improving your mental and emotional well-being.”

"What is emotional branding?"

Brands use colors to elicit particular emotions in their customers. Warm colors like red, orange, and yellow are commonly used by fast food restaurants, while hospitals and relaxation establishments often utilize soft green or light blue. Technology-related brands usually choose blue or gray. Although colors do not necessarily impact individuals physically, they do affect people psychologically. As a result, traffic signs can quickly draw attention when painted in red, and the color black is commonly associated with funerals.



“Print out your worksheets and have the following items at hand.”

4. Complete the following activities.

1. Using the color reference on your worksheet “COLOR CIRCLE“, color each space as instructed while reading what is related to that color.

2. On your worksheet “SPIRAL OF EMOTIONS“, think about yourself and draw yourself inside the circle, remember to draw yourself as you see yourself, NOT as others tell you you are. Also write a positive word about yourself. Ex. Loving. Then, take your crayons and as you read each word, you must color it according to how it makes you feel with the color wheel reference.

Note that the most important thing is what is in the gray boxes and it should always be constantly improved.

3. Inside your worksheets, you will find the HI5 5-STEP TECHNIQUE that shows you how to improve your mood without harming others. Color your worksheet while reflecting on each step.

4. ANALYZE SOME PRODUCTS that you have nearby, look at their characteristics, but especially what color they are and analyze why the brand that produces them is that way. From now on, you will see that your worldview will change by analyzing brands from another perspective.

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